Software Freedom Day 2015 (Report)

Another Software Freedom Day was successfully end, although there were some minor technical problems. We would like to thank those who attended the event but especially those who supported this event either by sending material or by making it known on the internet.

Specifically, as Kastoria Linux Society and IEEE SB of TEI of Western Macedonia, Kastoria, we would like to thank Alexandro Venno from the openSUSE Hellenic Community which every year supports our team and all Software Freedom Day that we have organized so far. Also, let us thank Christo Baharaki and the Tech Ministry who sent us material from Mozilla, Fedora and many more, the Codebender team that still supported our event and finally the event did not lack the owncloud for which we had material from Stathi Iosifidi who sends us and thank him one more time.

We would also like to thank, SciFY, worldeventer, iguru , and many other websites that have published our event, Euaggelia Karagianni for graphic design and Foti Pastraki for the photos.

Finally, we would like to thank a lot EEL/LAK for his excellent cooperation for one more year with our team and Michael Alexandro Savvani for organizing the event.

The winners of the prizes they were Kyrillos Samaras, Kritelas Athanasios, Fotis Pastrakis, George Theodosiou, Stavros Samaras, Georgia Michalodimitraki and Anna Malamidou.

More pictures

We wait you in the future activities of our teams.

Ch. Hitiris

Chair of IEEE SB of
TEI of Western Macedonia, Kastoria