Report: Unity Workshop


IEEE Student Branch of the Department of Informatics Engineering of University of Applied Sciences of Western Macedonia, Kastoria in collaboration with the Greek community of Unity, held a workshop on \”Introduction to Unity\”.

A very interesting workshop that enabled participants to learn some basic functions of Unity and then to create their own virtual environment in collaboration with Mr. George Chatzigeorgiou.

The workshop started with a slight delay due to some technical problems at 11:00, but they all went smoothly thanks to the actions of Mr. Aggelis and Mr. Nikolaou. A coffee break was held around 12:00, and at 2 pm the workshop was successfully completed.

The participants seemed excited, but a questionnaire will be sent to everyone to get complete feedback so there will be improvements in any future workshops.

The members of the IEEE Student Branch first, thanks all the participants and Mr. Chatzigeorgiou, who were the main pillars of this Workshop, Mr. S. Nikolaou, Professor of the Department of Informatics Engineering who honored us with his presence, Mr. S. Aggelis, his contribution to solving technical problems was vital for the Workshop. And, finally, Pizza Forma which was once again a major sponsor of another IEEE Student Branch event.